Life and Zidaan Update!
It's been forever since I've written a blog! Three months. Oh my. It's been an eventful few months. To start, my baby turned one in February! I have a toddler, guys. A freaking toddler.
Since I'm about 3 months behind on posting an update of what Zidaan has been up to, here's a quick catch up. The last time I updated, he was just starting to walk and was just a few days over 10 months old. Now at over a year, Zidaan is a full-on toddler. He’s not just walking – He’s running, climbing on things, and learning new words daily. Below are some random things that I want to make sure to document so that I’ll never forget them.
● I'm not sure Z has said an actual word yet. It's still a lot of babbles.
● “Bah bah” is definitely bye bye.
● "Dah" is his favorite sound to make when he's playing or if anything requires effort.
● We let him try nearly everything, and he's been a super easy baby to feed so far (fingers crossed) His favorite thing ever is bread (like straight up chapati y'all). He also loves fruit – primarily bananas & strawberries. Oh and avocados. It's our go to order-item any time we're out at a restaurant.
● As you can tell from his belly, he LOVES to eat. He will let you know when he’s ready to eat by coming up to you and pulling hair. OR opening his mouth when anyone around him is eating something. Every. Single. Time.
● Zidaan's favorite game right now is hide and seek. All you have to do is hide and peek out at him. He will squeal suuuuper loud and come chase you.
● Z also loves bird watching. I know, little weird. It's something his grandma has taught him. During meal times, we'll face his highchair towards the window and he'll stare out at all the birds flying around. He also points at them and looks over to you for acknowledgement.
● He’s still at the stage where he’s fascinated with the most average things around the house. This can be trouble when it’s a scissors or opening (and shutting) doors on tiny fingers. We have to keep a close eye on him.
● Bath time is another favorite. He knows when we undress him that it's bath time. He'll run over to the bathroom squealing and naked. It's quite the sight.
● Zidaan also loves to dance. It’s contagious too.
● He hasn't started evening out and is still in the 80% percentile for height & weight, and 99% for her head.
● Zidaan LOVES nursery rhymes. We listen to "Wheels on the bus" at least 10 times a day.
● Zidaan was early to do almost everything, except get teeth. He now has two popping out on the top and two fully visible on the bottom.
For his first birthday, we had a huge party planned. Due to a tragedy in our extended family however we cancelled the party. As a mom, I was a little bummed we wouldn't have a memory to look back on when we thought of his 1st. Little did I know, my husband had a planned a small little party within 2 days with our closest friends, all the decor I had bought AND had managed to keep it all hidden from me. Below are a few pics from our little celebration:
Keeping with the Winnie the Pooh theme, we had a little first birthday shoot for our little guy! Let's just say it included a cake smash and Zidaan did not enjoy that. At all.
Not sure if this was a "Get this cake off of me!" or a "Don't take the cake away from me!"
Oh and I've finally sleep trained the little monkey! Well, almost. He is in own nursery now and can sleep up to 6-7 hours without waking up and wanting to be with us. That's still a work in progress. It's true when they say they grow up too fast. I can't believe just a year ago, he couldn't stay up for longer than 2 hours at a time. Today, he only sleeps 2 hours during the day!
Thank you all for reading! I'll try to get better at posting more regularly. I appreciate everyone'e messages!