A Harry Potter Themed Shower!

I know this is fairly late, but multiple people asked me to blog about my sister in law, Anam's beautiful Harry Potter themed shower I hosted a couple weeks ago. 

You could easily say she has been *patiently* waiting for her acceptance letter from Hogwarts from the time she turned 10? Since a wizard path is not likely in her future, why not do the next best thing and bring Hogwarts to her with an adorable Potter themed baby shower. We decided to trade in the typical animal/blue themes for something more magical. Complete with a Hogwarts acceptance letter for her baby boy on the way, little cauldrons, broomstick pens, Potter glasses and wands - the shower was absolutely wizard-tastic.

Scroll on for all the Harry Potter essentials that will have you throwing a magnificent shower for your favorite mom-to-be.

Yes, we totally drew a scar on my baby's forehead to resemble Harry!


Out of all the small details at this shower, my absolute favorite were the broomstick pens. How adorable are they!?

The lovely expectant couple. 

Game 1: Play-Doh Baby!

In small cups (think: Dixie from the old days), give everyone a few different colored blobs of Play Doh. They then have 5 minutes to create the cutest baby they can. For more fun, lay out some pencils, plastic knives and toys that'll help them get creative. Mama selects the winner!

Game 2: Bottle chugging! 

Give each guest a baby bottle and fill it with milk, juice, water or soda. Have everyone line up, and when you shout, "Go!" The players have to drink the liquid as quickly as they can – through the nipple. (No unscrewing the top allowed!)

Game 3: Guess the Baby Food! 

We had my sister and brother in law feed each other blindfolded and guess the baby food. Each got three tries for each item they tried. The couple wore baby bibs throughout this game which made it all the more entertaining. 

We're such noobs. 

Thank you to all our family and friends that came out to shower their love and support on my sister and brother in law. It was a magical afternoon full of love, laughter, great crab cakes and anticipation for the new life these lovebirds are about to welcome into their world.

I read this quote the other day and as a mom myself now, it made me smile and gave me all the fuzzies:

 “Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.”

Hurry up, baby Aiden. We're anxiously waiting.

Love, your favorite aunt and baby cousin Z.

Details on the shower:

Event Venue - Backstreet Cafe

Cake - Tiara Cakes

Cupcakes - Scout Bake Shoppe

Cupcake Toppers - Linked here

Harry Potter Glasses - Linked here

Broomstick Pens - Linked here.

Hogwarts House Banners - Linked here

Hogwarts Acceptance Letter - Linked here

Thank you for reading!