25 weeks Pregnant!
I can't believe I'm halfway through my 6th month of pregnancy. It's flying by so quickly! This baby bump has definitely popped again and the stretching of all my mid-muscles is getting quite painful. I still can't complain though, cause I've really enjoyed my pregnancy so far and it's been quite a breeze. I finally feel like I'm really pregnant. Like, there's no mistaking it as a sinfully big meal or me being weirdly disproportionate anymore. Thank the Lord. People don't ask me if I'm expecting anymore, they safely assume. Win for this prego!
Baby Stats: Last week, my doctor told me the baby is about 1.4 lbs. Perhaps about the size of a big eggplant. Side Note: Who in their right mind came up with the idea to compare an unborn baby to vegetables!?
Cravings: Strawberry jelly and butter sandwiches. YUM! The white toast has to be the perfect golden brown and extra jelly always makes it even better. I've been having my husband make it for me after dinner and at all odd times of the day. Thankfully, he's been a sweetheart. (If you're reading this babe, here's my thank you that I don't say every time).
New Symptoms: This baby won't stop moving! I'm not sure if it's just going to be a hyper child or I feel the movements more since I'm smaller, BUT this week has been insane with feeling his pressure. I think I'm starting to pick up on his routine a lot more this week as well, this nugget is up early in the morning and super hyper late afternoon all the way till I go to bed for the night. On a negative note, back pain has destroyed me this week. I finally got around to buying a maternity belt that's supposed to help your back with the weight. I've had it for about three days and... it works. It's magical.
Check out the belt here.
Highlight this week: I can SEE him move now! Yep, if I stare at my belly long enough and lay flat on my back, I can see him rolling around and my stomach twitching. Crazy alien freak out movements sometimes. I took a video and sent it to my mom and she said "He really wants to get out ASAP! He'll be early!". Here's to hoping he takes his time though. Pretty please, baby.
What I'm looking forward to: My parents are in town this weekend! And I cannot wait for them to see the bump. It's one thing showing my mom the belly over Facetime and a whole world different for her to see in real life - 'her little baby with a baby' as she puts it. Ha. Also, my baby shower is in 3 weeks. And then there's Thanksgiving. Followed by Christmas. Followed by New Years. So much to look forward to!
Dress - Pink Blush Maternity
Thank you so much for reading!